The IRS started sending out the bulk of the $1,400 third stimulus checks at the end of March 2021. But while not all eligible individuals have received the third round of stimulus checks, Senate Democrats are already working on a fourth stimulus check, including recurring payments in 2021.
In this post, we will explain when experts predict the fourth stimulus check might be sent in 2021 and when you can expect your stimulus payment.
However, first, we will provide an update on the third stimulus checks and how they have helped in pushing the government for a fourth round.
Also, we will list 4 additional ways President Biden and Congress may still send financial support to Americans this year.
Lastly, we will walk you through how to check the IRS website for an update if you have not received your third stimulus check.
This post will cover:
- Update on Third Stimulus Check
- Will There Be A Fourth Stimulus Check issued in 2021
- Will a Fourth Stimulus Package Pass?
- 4 more ways Congress could send out money this year
- What to do if you haven’t received your third stimulus payment
Update on Third Stimulus Check
As of Wednesday, March 25, the IRS had issued payments to about 127 million qualifying Americans via direct deposit and paper checks.
Additionally, more paper checks and stimulus debit cards will be on the way in the upcoming weeks.
This includes checks to those who receive SSI and SSDI, Direct Express Cardholders, and Seniors on Social Security.
Here are the three types of direct checks approved in the March 2021 bill:
Stimulus checks
First, the package includes a third stimulus payment that sends up to $1,400 checks to those who meet the eligibility requirements.
Child Tax Credit
Also, there is an expansion of the Child Tax Credit for 2021.
Eligible families will get $3,600 for each child under age six and $3,000 for children age six or older.
This will be in the form of monthly payments through the end of the year.
Federal unemployment bonus
Additionally, there will be extended unemployment benefits until Sept. 6.
Each eligible person will get up to $300 a month, in addition to state benefits for unemployed workers.
Will There Be A Fourth Stimulus Check issued in 2021
As millions of Americans wait to receive their third stimulus check, there is already talk of a fourth stimulus check and this proposal is gaining momentum.
Over 60 Democratic (including members of the House and Senate) signed a letter asking President Biden to issue recurring checks to Americans throughout the pandemic.
The idea is to help those in need cover their bills and other expenses as the economy recovers from COVID-19.
In the letter, they argued for recurring monthly payments to Americans until the COVID-19 crisis is over.
Here is the relevant quote from the letter they sent to the President:
“The stunning financial crisis for those at the bottom of the income ladder demands
massive relief to those who need it most. Recurring direct payments until the economy recovers will help ensure that people can meet their basic needs, provide racially equitable solutions, and shorten the length of the recession. As we look at the coming year, another one-time round of checks would provide a temporary lifeline, but when that money runs out, families will once again struggle to pay for basic necessities.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota was the letter’s lead signatory.
Additionally, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York was among the other House members who signed.
In a January press release, Rep. Ilhan Omar stated:
“A one-time payment of $2,000 is simply not enough. The American people are counting on us to deliver transformative change, and we need to meet the moment by delivering monthly payments of $2,000.”
Furthermore, Senate Democrats are going to send a letter to the White House Tuesday, March 30th, urging President Joe Biden to back the recurring monthly stimulus payment.
Will a Fourth Stimulus Package Pass?
So far, Americans have received three stimulus checks since the pandemic started and each payment has been more difficult to pass through Congress.
Republicans pushed back on the original plan for the third stimulus check, indicating that getting them on board for recurring payments will be an uphill battle.
However, Democrats were able to pass the third stimulus package without a single Republican vote, by using a budget rule called Reconciliation.
The Reconciliation process can only be used once in a fiscal year so the next available opportunity for Democrats to use this process will be in October 2021.
Even if Congress does not pass a fourth stimulus check until October, there are more ways Congress can send more money to Americans during the remainder of 2021.
Here are 4 ways Congress can still help:
4 more ways Congress could send out money this year
Here are the 4 ways Congress can still help struggling Americans through the pandemic while they consider a fourth stimulus bill:
Approve recurring payments
President Biden’s infrastructure bill is the next likely place for Congress to provide more funding to Americans.
This is where Democratic Senators are calling on President Biden to include monthly recurring stimulus checks to Americans.
Pass the minimum wage hike
Another possible way to help low-income Americans during the pandemic is to pass the Minimum wage increase that is before the Senate.
This piece of legislation was removed from the American Rescue Plan at the last minute.
However, a February 2021 report from the Brookings Institute shows that a $15 minimum wage could help make 37% of US households financially self-sufficient.
Make the Child Tax Credit raise permanent
The American Rescue Plan included an expansion of the Child Tax Credit for lower-income and middle-income families with children.
However, the expansion is only through the end of 2021.
According to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, President Biden wants to make the Child Tax Credit permanent.
Additionally, others, including Republican Senator Mitt Romney, also support making the credit permanent since it will lift millions of children in the US out of poverty.
Renew federal unemployment payments beyond September
Lastly, another way to ease the financial burden on individuals and families this year before a fourth stimulus passes is to extend federal unemployment assistance.
The current extension expires in September 2021. Congress can extend the date past September to provide more relief to those who need it.
What to do if you haven’t received your third stimulus payment
If you have not yet received your third stimulus check, you can use the IRS Stimulus Check Status Tracker tool to get the status of your stimulus check.
Here’s how to use the IRS Stimulus Check Status Tracker to get the status of your $1,400 stimulus payment and check on the first and second round of stimulus payments.
Step 1 – Visit the Get My Payment Website
The first step in getting the status of your stimulus is to visit the “Get my Payment” portal.
Click here to be taken to the Get My Payment portal.
Once there, click the “Get My Payment” link as shown below
Step 2 – Accept Disclaimer
Next, you will be taken to a page where you will have to accept a disclaimer with terms of use of the “Get My Payment” portal in order to proceed.
To accept the disclaimer, click the “OK” link as shown below.
You cannot proceed without accepting this disclaimer.
Step 3 – Enter your Personal Information
Next, you will be taken to a page, like the one below where you will be asked to provide your personal information in order to retrieve your stimulus payment status.
This includes:
- Social Security Number or Tax ID Number
- Date of Birth
- Street Address
- Zip Code
See the image below for details.
Once you enter the requested information, click the “CONTINUE” link for further instructions.
Step 4 – See your Stimulus Check Status
If you entered the correct information requested, you will be taken to a page like the one below where you will see the status of your stimulus check.
What your Stimulus Status Means
When you use the IRS stimulus tracker, you will get various statuses. Here are the different statuses and what they mean:
Payment Status #1:
The first type of payment status will say the following:
A payment has been processed, a payment date is available and payment is to be sent either by direct deposit or mail.
Note: mail means you may be issued an EIP Card or a check.
The image below shows what this payment status looks like:
Payment Status #2:
The other type of payment status will say the following:
You’re eligible, but a payment has not been processed and a payment date is not yet available.
It will not show the amount of your 2021 Economic Impact Payment.
Payment Status – ‘Payment status not available’
If you are getting “Payment Status Not Available” from the IRS stimulus check tracker – do not be alarmed.
According to the IRS, if you receive that message it can mean one of three things:
You are not eligible for the payment.
The payment has yet to be processed
The IRS doesn’t have enough information to issue the payment to you
Here are the two types of “Payment Status Not Available” statuses you are likely to get:
Payment Status – Not Available -#1
Payment Status Not Available: We haven’t yet processed your payment or you’re not eligible for a payment.
Need More Information: Your payment was returned to the IRS because the Postal Service was unable to deliver it.
If your address has changed the IRS says the easiest way to update is to file your 2020 tax return with your current address, if you haven’t already done so.
Once they receive your current address, they will reissue your payment.
If you get this message, you can use the “Get My Payment” to enter your bank account information for direct deposit.
Payment Status – Not Available # 2
The second “Non Available” status covers the following scenarios:
The IRS cannot locate your records based on the information you entered.
However, it could also mean that the system has locked you out for excessive attempts to provide the information requested.
You can try in a few hours or the next day.
When will SSI get Stimulus Check Summary?
We hope this post on the question – “When will Seniors get Stimulus Checks?” was helpful.
If you have further questions about Stimulus Checks, Social Security, or Disability benefits, please let us know in the comments section below.
Be sure to check out our other articles on:
Third Stimulus Check FAQs
When will Social Security get the Third Stimulus?
What is the Third Stimulus Check Release Date?
January 2022 SSI Payment Schedule
Direct Express Stimulus Check Deposit Date
Stimulus Debit Card FAQs
Direct Express Dispute Resolution Help
When will SSI get Third Stimulus Checks?
When will third Seniors get Stimulus Payments?